With over 10 years of experience in the IT industry, Logic Drum is your trusted partner for all your IT needs. We have successfully delivered top-notch IT solutions to businesses of all sizes, helping them to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

My Background


Experience and Expertise

2008 - Present

Education and Certifications

2004 - 2008

Skills and Specializations

Proficient in various programming languages

Recent Projects


woman sitting infront of MacBook
woman sitting infront of MacBook
two women sitting at table looking at talking woman
two women sitting at table looking at talking woman
three women beside table looking at MacBook
three women beside table looking at MacBook
Project 1
Project 2
woman wearing red and black checkered blouse using flat screen computer
woman wearing red and black checkered blouse using flat screen computer
smiling woman
smiling woman
woman using MacBook
woman using MacBook
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5